5 Care Packages To Brighten Someone’s Day

My kids get new things almost daily. Between the school prize box, friends birthdays, holidays, and kind friends and family members, there is always something new coming into their lives. I started to notice an expectation from them that everything must be fun, everything must be new, and so much whining was happening when their wants weren’t catered to. My husband and I have felt like the bad guys because everyone around us just spoils them. Please don’t mistake me, I am so thankful for the lovely people we have in our circle. As a parent though, it’s my job to raise children who can become contributing, compassionate adults. So I decided to involve my kids in a kindness project. We created 5 different care packages for 5 different people in our community. 

We made our list of recipients, discussed what we wanted to give each of them, set our budget and went shopping. I used this as an opportunity to teach my kids about money, staying within a budget, and using our own financial resources to better someone else’s life. Opportunities to teach our kids and even ourselves are all around us. We just need to take a minute to find them. Read on to see who we selected and what we chose to share with them. 

Next Door Neighbor

I have been so blessed to always end up with amazing neighbors. Our current ones are no exception. They are hardworking, generous, and all around wonderful people. At the holidays we exchange small tokens of appreciation and it keeps the warmth of the season going. I want them to know our appreciation is more than just once per year. So we came up with a care package just for them.

In the basket…

  • Starbucks gift card
  • Yummy treat
  • Small plant or flowers
  • Relaxing scented candle

An Elderly Friend

My husband’s grandma and great aunt live nearby but we unfortunately don’t get over to see them as often as we would like. Raising kids is a busy time and it’s hard not to feel guilt over the lack of quality time we miss out on with other loved ones. That is why we set an intention to make a basket of love for GG and Great Aunt.

In the basket…

  • Hand soap
  • Seasonal dish towel
  • Puzzle
  • Sweet treat
  • Homemade freezer meal (not pictured)

A Homeless Person

A recent foster placement gave me a personal connection to the homeless community. These interactions helped me recognize what they need more than anything is to be treated like a person. No matter the circumstances that led them to being unhoused, they are still people.

In the backpack…

  • Gift card to a fast food restaurant
  • Blanket
  • Water bottle
  • Backpack
  • Snack

Teacher / School Staff

We chose to gift our school counselor with a little pick me up. She has been so amazing over the past few months as we mourned our girls leaving our home. She has helped my kids make it through school, process their many emotions, and made it a safe place for them to be. I could never properly thank her for the support she’s given us.

In the basket…

  • Target gift card
  • New colorful pens
  • Journal/ Notepad
  • Small plant or succulent to brighten their desk space
  • Candle (how cute is the little coffee cup candle!)
  • Tasty treat


Every job I’ve had, there’s always been that one person that makes the day better. Why not show a little appreciation and brighten their day in return. It doesn’t have to be crazy elaborate. Just something simple to say thanks.

In the basket…

Other gift idea’s that didn’t make it into this round of gift baskets

  • Daily affirmation flip chart
  • Seasonal decoration
  • Framed word art
  • Book
  • Board game

Some of these we did anonymously because I wanted my children to learn the joy of giving to others without the feeling of recognition. Some we did openly, like Great Grandma and Aunt, because we wanted to make sure we spent special time with them too. I know this experience was a learning moment for my kids and a great reminder to get outside of myself and serve others. I don’t expect this one time lesson to stick around forever, which is why I intend to make this at least an annual family event. I encourage you to include your children, friends, partners, etc. in the joy of giving. 



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