About Sincerely Amanda

Hello New Friends!
Amanda here. I’ve toyed with the idea of writing a blog for a few years but I was always able to find an excuse not to. A recent loss pushed me to pursue the things I had been too afraid to do. The idea of putting myself out there brought out a self-consciousness I didn’t know I had. Thanks to some supportive and amazing friends, I found the strength to get outside of my head and go for this dream.
Writing has always been a passion of mine. I was that kid who loved researching for and writing essays. My own writing has always been very personal and private, a source of therapy for me. I’ve thought a lot about what I wanted to put out there. I’ve been through a lot of big challenges in my life and at times I felt so lonely walking through those valleys. I thought if I shared my own darkness, then others walking a similar path might not feel alone on theirs. I decided I’m not quite ready to share some of the hardest moments. Instead, I’ve decided to share the areas of my life that have kept me going through the fog.
When brainstorming what I really wanted to share, I decided to focus on the areas of life that truly interest me. Finances, Travel, Parenting, Relationships, Wellness, and Lifestyle. When the time is right, I’ll open the door to some of the more challenging and personal topics. Until then, I hope you find my research and experience useful.
A little about me… I started working in my family’s Financial Services firm at 15 years old. I worked my way through college and earned my degree in business. I spent a year working in marketing but the atmosphere at that job became toxic. I found myself dreading each day and knew I needed to make a change. I decided to go back to my roots, get my licensing, and return to the family company. This decision has given me the flexibility and stability to pursue my ultimate dream of parenthood. Not every family can work together. Thankfully, mine has figured out a way. I’ve loved building this with them and look forward to many more years.
I met my husband in 2012 at a friendly game of beach volleyball. We married 2 years later, 1 week after I graduated college! We enjoyed 1 year of wedded bliss before a seemingly never ending stream of challenges and adventures commenced. Cancer, infertility, fostering, adoption, loss, the list goes on and on. Over the years, there has been lots of therapy and self-reflection.
I’ve navigated bouts of depression and anxiety, navigated the reality of PCOS, fought my way back from carbon monoxide poisoning.. you get the idea. Wellness, be it physical, mental, or emotional, are all very important to me. I am not the poster child for eating well, or exercising regularly, but I do what I can with the resources I have.
I love to travel and try to include my children in the experiences whenever possible. Seeing different cultures, natural wonders, and spending quality time together are just a few of the reasons why I can’t seem to shake the travel bug. After years of traveling, I have learned some tips for scoring a good deal and not breaking the bank. Very necessary when your passion tends to cost a lot.
I hybrid homeschool my kids. It was a choice made for me, thanks pandemic, but one I now love doing. I enjoy decluttering and organizing, even though my home is never really in order with little kids around. I love decorating for Holidays, finding fun activities around the community, and enjoying the gorgeous city where I live.
If you’re here reading this, I hope you find a little something here for you. I look forward to connecting through my writing and over on my Instagram.