7 Ways To Make Your Home A Happy Place

Your home should be your sanctuary. A place of protection and peace from the chaos all around us. When you walk in your front door, you should feel like you can leave all the baggage at the door. While some of that boils down to the people you walk in to as you walk inside your front door… there are some things you can do in your space to help make your home a happier place.
1. Turn Off The News!
Our home is the one place in the world that we can mostly control what we let in. I made the choice several years ago to quit watching the news. I cannot tell you how incredible that has been. This doesn’t mean I stay ignorant to what is happening in the world, but I don’t allow the constant 24-hour negativity news cycle to dictate the tone in my home.
There seems to be fomo around having instant access to the news, social media, etc. I’m not an expert in that arena but in my personal life I have seen a direct correlation between my anxiety and the amount of time I spend reading or watching the news. If you must have your daily news fix, keep it limited to once a day. I recommend reading it during midday, so you don’t start your morning with negativity or go to bed with it in your mind.
While watching the news may be easier, they design their programs to leave you needing more. Their delivery, and sensationalism adds to that need. If you read the news, you are more likely to get informed and less likely to have major emotional impacts from it.
In replacing your news routing, play some tunes you love, watch shows that uplift and entertain you, or enjoy the sound of silence!
2. Clear The Clutter
I don’t know about you but I function so much better when my home is tidy. I have 2 little kids, so my home is basically never clean, but when bills are in their home, and the things that typically clutter the house are in their right place, my brain functions so much better. In an idea world, I would put things away right as they come into my home, but that is not realistic for my busy life.
Part of clearing the clutter, also means clearing my mind. As a mom, my mind is running constantly. There are so many appointments to keep up on, extracurriculars, school work, etc. At least once a day, it’s important to stop, clear my mind and just be present. I like to look outside and stare out into the distance, looking at nothing in particular. Even if its just for a few moments, this little break, helps me feel ready and refreshed to finish off the day.

3. Get Organized
Organization is key for lowering stress and frustration. Nothing is more annoying that rushing out the door and being unable to find your keys! When things don’t have a designated spot, it’s easy to misplace. Figure out where your biggest struggles are and start there. For me, mail is a sore spot. It never had a home and just piled up in various places around the kitchen. I grabbed a paper organizer, intended for an office, and stuck it on my kitchen counter. Maybe it didn’t make for a great aesthetic but the mail was finally going in one place and the paper piles around my kitchen disappeared.
4. Add Cheery Pops Of Color
While monochromatic interiors can have a sleep and elegant feel, they can also be cold and sterile. Bring your space to life by adding pops of your favorite color! My house has lots of blue tones. The tile on my kitchen back splash, the accent pillows on my couch, even the accent wall on one of the fireplaces. It’s a little pop in each space but in colors that soothe me and make me happy. More recently, I added cute yellow pots to my front porch. A color I am not normally drawn to. But walking up to my house makes me feel so happy now! You can see my front porch refresh here.
5. Always Have 1 Space Put Together
When you’re a busy family, sometimes the house just doesn’t get the attention it needs. Spaces can quickly become in disarray. My mind absolutely cannot handle when the spaces around me are in chaos. I’ve learned to compromise with little children always making messes. I have one space in my home that is always put together. When the mess everywhere else becomes overwhelming, I step into my space and just breathe for a few minutes. I highly recommend having one put together space in your home that you can look at and just feel a moment of, “I got this”.

6. Personalize It
We live in our homes. While magazine ready spaces are beautiful, they aren’t home to me. Put photos of your loved ones on your wall. Hang your favorite painting, our cutesy phrases. You should fill your home with pieces that bring you joy. If they’re aesthetically pleasing, awesome! But don’t keep something out of your space because of what someone else might think about it. They don’t live there, you do! Love the space you’re in.
7. Make A Cozy Place
Maybe its just me, but there is nothing better than a warm hug after a tough day. If that’s not an option, a cuddle in a soft, cozy blanket with a fire going and an episode of friends on, is next best. I firmly believe every person in the home should have their cozy place. For my kids, they have their giant reading floor pillows. For me, its my rocking chair with the worlds cushiest pillow and softest blanket. Some people make their entire homes one cozy, cushy place. If whole house cozy is not your thing, just do what I did and make a space. One where you can feel warm, safe, and at peace.
We all crave peace in our lives. It’s hard to find out and about in the world. We have the power to create it in our homes. What are some ways you have made your home a sanctuary? I’d love to hear from you!
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