Summer Book Club For Kids

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Summer is fast approaching and while I am excited for the chance to make some memories with my kids, I am always looking for ways to keep their social life alive. Books have always been a joyful part of my life. I was an early reader and enjoyed reading at every opportunity. My daughter is not quite the same. She struggles more and hasn’t yet discovered the beautiful escape that can come when opening the pages of book. In year end conferences with her teacher, we were talking about ways we could help encourage her to open a book this summer with the hope of her learning to love it. Her teacher suggested we start a summer book club. I had never even thought of doing that for someone her age but I loved the idea.
I sent out a few feeler texts to friends in her class and found a few were interested in taking part. So I went about making a plan. Would we do this weekly or bi-weekly? Same genre or switch it up? Consistent day and time or as schedules permitted? I decided on bi-weekly, same day and time. I asked the girls parents what genre they enjoyed to ensure every child had a book to look forward to. With this schedule, it lent itself to about 5 book club readings over the course of the summer.

We’ve tried reading several genres to my daughter. For the last 2 years she has been adamant she wants to be a detective when she gets older, so we tried some fun mysteries and they’ve been a hit. We will be definitely be including a mystery into our summer book club. Another child liked fantasy fiction, while another preferred education books on animals. I’m hopeful that by sharing in her friends enthusiasm, her interest in books will grow this summer.
Each meeting, we won’t just sit around and discuss the book. We will also incorporate a fun project or activity, maybe watch a movie if it was turned into one, and most importantly, let the kids have fun together. Naturally there will be food and kid friendly fancy drinks to make the day extra special.
While looking through various genres and topics, I put together a list of summer book club recommendations for elementary aged kiddos. I decided not to group by age or grade since most kids don’t fall into either category when it comes to reading. You know your kid, their reading ability, and their interests best! I’ve linked the books below for easy shopping!
Emerging Readers
Elementary Level Readers
What are some of your kiddos favorite books and series? I am always looking to expand our library! Connect over on Instagram and share yours with me. If you decide to start a book club for your kiddos, I would love to know how it goes! Have a wonderful summer full of reading and adventure!