Mothers Day Celebration and Gift Guide

Mothers Day is a sensitive holiday at our home for a few reasons. Before I dive into it, I want to say that we do celebrate it and I love the attention my children and husband give to me on this day. They always make me feel special and I am so thankful I get to celebrate this holiday at all. There was a time where I wasn’t so sure I would have the official title of mom. During my years of infertility and childlessness, my family incorporated me into the celebrations along with the other mothers. It wasn’t the same, but the gesture was sweet and the message was clear, birthing a child is not what makes a mother. A mother raises children, whether their own biological or in a variety of other ways. Because of this experience, mothers day is impactful in its meaning to me.
Our family grew because of foster care and adoption. My title of mother came because another woman essentially lost hers. She was unable to provide for the physical, mental, and emotional welfare of the children she brought into this world. In the eyes of the courts, she is no longer their mother. While legally true, at heart, she is still a mother. She isn’t raising them, no. But she gave me two of the greatest blessings in my life. She could have aborted them but she chose to give them life. She has my deepest respect for that gift. While the choices she made while pregnant and after were not okay, she still suffered a great loss the moment the courts ruled her rights away.

My children know they are adopted and know age appropriate information about their story, I try my best to be respectful of the loss that accompanies their journey. While I know they love me and look at me as their mother, I also know they will likely always have a pull to the woman who gave them life. We try to respect and honor that relationship everyday and acknowledge it on Mothers day.
In every home, Mothers Day looks different. For some there is the loss of a child, infertility,and for others there is simply uncomplicated joy. It’s important to remember when celebrating this day, we acknowledge that it looks different for everyone. We don’t have to sit in the sorrow of others but be gentle in our outward celebrations.
Now let’s get into the reason you’re reading this. To get some ideas of how to celebrate the women you love and finding some gifts that they may enjoy.
My mothers day usually looks like sleeping in a bit while the kids and my husband make me breakfast in bed. My husband gives me the choice of lazing around or getting out and about. Depending on my wants for the day, I decide. Some years, I’ve laid around and read a book I’ve been putting off for too long. Other years, we’ve gone on an outing as a family. This is how I prefer to celebrate it. Which is how it should be, a day for moms to get the love and self-care they so often neglect during the year.
Ways To Spend Your Day

Brunch– Usually I would recommend hosting a brunch but who wants to do all that work on mothers day! Instead, find a local place and invite them to join you for brunch! No fuss, no clean up, just an easy way to celebrate the women you love.
Spa Day– You’ll want to book fast as this is a popular activity on this ‘treat yourself’ day. Whether you book a spa treatment or just take advantage of the amenities, its always more fun with family and friends.
Yoga Class– Start your day off with a group yoga class. Invite some other women to join you and enjoy a relaxing, easy going start to your special day.
Go to a Movie– If you’ve been putting off seeing a film, now’s your chance to get out and do it! Order the popcorn, splurge on a drink, enjoy yourself!
Do a Craft– Use your creativity. Is there something you’ve been putting off doing for a while because everything else takes priority? Try your hand at making a wreath for your front door or painting a vase for your mantel.
Have a BBQ or Picnic– Invite your close friends and family to celebrate all together. Let the men in your life do the hard work and you sit back and enjoy the company of your loved ones.
Gift Ideas

Something Personalized– Whether it’s something you crafted yourself or a necklace with her children’s birthstones, there are many ways you can customize and personalize a gift for her this mothers day.
Candles– If you get one with 2 or 3 wicks, the fragrance always seems to be stronger. I have been on a candle kick lately and love the way it makes my space smell so good!
Coffee/ Tea– Grab a bag of her favorite roast or get her a gift card to her favorite spot. Get a customized mug from etsy for extra fun!
A Book– Have you read a book recently that you loved? Share that with your mom! My mom and I often swap books, it’s a shared passion of ours. Couple it with a cozy blanket or pretty bookmark.
New Pajamas– I don’t know why but I wear my pajamas until they are thrashed. I love when someone thinks to give me a new set!
Flowers– If you don’t know your mama’s favorite flowers, it’s time to do some sleuthing. If you can drop it to her, all the sweeter but if not, delivery is an option!
Skin Care– If you know her go to products, surprise her with a fresh set! Or take this one step up and get her a gift certificate for a facial.
Crystals– Funny enough, my dad was initially the reason I love gems! He loves beautiful, colorful rocks and crystals. My best friend launched a crystal shop a few years back and she has taken my love of crystals to the next level! Having visited the Denver and Tucson gem shows over the years, I can say, there is something truly special about them. She has the best inventory at the best prices. Check out her shop and be sure to follow her on Instagram to see content only available on her live shows.
What are some favorites you’ve given or received over the years? I’m always looking for next year!
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