Do You Struggle To Find Balance As A Working Parent?

Hey amazing parents! Balancing the demands of a career while nurturing your little ones can feel like walking a tightrope. But fear not! With a some patience, organization, and a whole lot of self-care, you can master the art of harmonizing your roles. Here’s to finding that sweet spot between work and parenting!
Time Management
It’s no surprise that there are only 24 hours in a given day. We are all given the same amount of time to work with, yet others seems to have more of it! Something I have worked really hard at honing my time management skills and it has actually become one of my strengths. Some of my friends are just awful at it! I love them anyways but I always fib about when something starts or I adjust my expectations accordingly because I know, they will always be late. It’s not that they’re trying to be rude, they just don’t know how to adjust their expectations to match the amount of time they actually have for something. If you are someone who struggles to get places on time, or to fit in all the important things in a day, I have some tips for you!
Prioritize: Make a list of your daily tasks and identify what’s truly essential. Focus on the high-impact tasks that align with your long-term goals.
Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries between work and family time. When you’re working, give it your all, and when it’s family time, be fully present.
Flexible Schedule: If your job allows, explore flexible work hours or remote options to better accommodate your family’s needs.
The Power of Planning
I thought life was busy when I was single. It’s a whole different kind of busy as a working, homeschooling, stay at home mom! Finding time to complete all of my obligations and a few of the things just for me, doesn’t come without some serious forethought. I plan my self-care, girls nights, and getaways sometimes months in advance. If I don’t block out in advance for things that are important to me, that time will inevitably fill up with something else. Here are some ways to help you plan for your week and communicate it with your family.

Family Calendar: Maintain a shared family calendar to keep track of important events, appointments, and school activities. Color code it per person if you’d like. I label everything with first name then activity. I set a reminder to go off 60 minutes before and 15 minutes before, so I won’t forget. As soon as I schedule an appointment, it immediately goes on the calendar. I have no idea how I survived without a calendar! I use to just remember appointments! I guess that’s what happens when you multiply the number of schedules you manage.
Weekly Meal Prep: Spend a bit of time on weekends preparing meals for the week. It saves time and ensures healthier eating. It helps if you know in advance what the meals will be. It save you extra trips to the grocery store, which is time you could allocate to something else or better yet, to nothing at all!
To-Do Lists: Create daily to-do lists that combine both work and personal tasks. Crossing items off the list is oh-so-satisfying! I am a pen to paper kind of girl but there are some great apps for tracking tasks too!
Self-Care: Non-Negotiable
I truly mean it. Self-care is not a luxury, it is a necessity. Here are a few posts I did on self- care. 10 Self Care Tips For A Busy Mom, 9 Easy Self Care Ideas, and Greif and a Girls Trip.
“Me” Time: Schedule regular self-care sessions, whether it’s reading, taking a walk, or indulging in a hobby. A recharged you benefits everyone.

Delegate: Don’t hesitate to ask for help. Share household tasks with your partner and involve your kids in age-appropriate chores. Initially, it does take a little longer to involve your kids. I consider it an investment in their future as good humans, and as a necessary part of being in a family. My 6 and 8 year old entirely put away their own laundry. I don’t care if they fold or not, as long its in their drawers. I make age appropriate concessions and it saves me a good deal of time! My husband is a great partner too. He initiates HH tasks or asks how he can help. If you have a partner that refuses to do their share, read how to equalize roles in the home of dual income families.
Unplug: Disconnect from work emails and notifications during dedicated family time. Digital detoxes work wonders. I absolutely don’t have my personal phone connected to my work emails. If you do and its not actually necessary, please uninstall it. Let home be home.
Quality Family Moments
Quality Over Quantity: It’s not about how much time you spend with your family; it’s about the quality of that time. Make each moment count. I am all about making memories with my kids.
Tech-Free Zones: Designate certain areas of your home as tech-free zones to encourage meaningful interactions. We have a kids tablet for use only if the kids are seriously sick or for when we are traveling. Otherwise, it sits in a cabinet and the kids never ask about it. They know the rules. We do watch TV but try to avoid it on the weekends or when we feel like it’s time for a tech cleanse. For older kids, this mostly tech free existence becomes much harder. A lot of schoolwork is based on computers. Making dinner a tech free space, or carving out an hour of quality family game time are great ways to make connection happen.
Family Rituals: Establish special rituals like weekly game nights, movie nights, or weekend outings to create lasting memories. Growing up we had pizza Fridays, my brother did Friday movie night with his kids, find something you all enjoy and make it a regular activity for everyone to look forward to.
Seeking Support
Community Matters: Connect with other working parents to share tips, stories, and support. You’re not alone on this journey. Single parent or dual parent household, build up your support system. Make friends with parents at school or sports.
Open Communication: Talk to your employer about your responsibilities as a parent. Flexible arrangements can be mutually beneficial. If your employer is not amenable to your important role as a parent, consider seeking an employer who recognizes the value.
Ask for Help: When you’re overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to reach out to friends, family, or professionals for assistance. If you’re married or in a committed relationship, share the load. If you have the means, consider using instacart for grocery shopping, or hire someone to do a monthly deep clean. Those are items someone else can do and give you back a few hours of your time.
Remember, finding balance is an ongoing journey, not a destination. Embrace imperfections, celebrate small victories, and remember that you’re doing an incredible job wearing multiple hats.
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