I didn’t want to be viewed as the problem for setting someone off when I could just as easily let it roll off my back. When I was younger, I was much more vocal about my opinions and it didn't go over well sometimes. I found myself avoiding these confrontations and silencing myself for the sake of the relationships...
I know this experience was a learning moment for my kids and a great reminder to get outside of myself and serve others. I don’t expect this one time lesson to stick around forever, which is why I intend to make this at least an annual family event. I encourage you to include your children, friends, partners, etc. in the joy of giving...
After cold winter days and long dark nights, the turn into spring is a welcome one around here. The schedule starts filling back up with sports, activities, and appointments. I don’t know if it's the surge in chaos but It becomes harder to make the time for my husband the way it is when days move a little slower. Date’s have to come with intention and planning instead of spontaneity. That’s okay though, as long as we make them happen regularly...
I’ve toyed with the idea of writing a blog for a few years but I was always able to find an excuse not to. A recent loss pushed me to pursue the things I had been too afraid to do. The idea of putting myself out there brought out a self-consciousness I didn’t know I had. Thanks to some supportive and amazing friends, I found the strength to get outside of my head and go for this dream.